Monday, September 17, 2012

MOMS group

i joined a moms group.  i was VERY nervous, i didn't know what to expect, but i went.  and boy oh boy am i glad that i did.  apparently, i'm not alone, lots of kids poop on the floor.

the group opens up with talking a little bit about 'mom moments', those things that really only a mom can understand completely.  one girl talked about her life with 3(!) kids, and how she is CONSTANTLY yelling at someone, and someone is constantly crying at her.  and if there is a moment when someone is not crying, then she is probably crying herself. 

sounds sad to most people... it's kind of funny if you are a mom.  funny because it's sad.  and sad because it's true.

i didn't share a mom moment, it was my first day, i had to feel out how honest we were really going to be.  i had to figure out if these moms could handle the fact that my son constantly tries to pull off his diaper so he can play with his 'beeeeeg pepis", or that sometimes mason's voice gets annoying, and i put him in the stroller for a walk/jog so i have an appropriate excuse to put headphones in and drown him out for an hour.

it's still all good though, because even on our worst days, i'm still glad to be home and experiencing them with him.  he is such a sweet boy, but it will be a miracle if my house (and my sanity) survive his childhood.

this weekend mas and i were at hy-vee, and he L-O-V-E-S the carts that are shaped like cars.  so at the end of our shopping trip, when it was time to get out, there was a little, um, resistance.  resistance in the form of screaming, kicking and arching the back.  luckily, i am a champion fit-throwing-kid carrier and i simply hoisted his squirmy body, facing out, over my arm, and began the trek outside, ignoring the tantrum.  we had just made it out the door when i dropped my phone, and after bending down to pick it up i noticed a couple staring at me.  now in their defense, i can imagine what they were seeing.  i probably looked like some un-showered, crazed baby abuser.  but i just lost it a tiny bit.  i looke straight at them and said "what? would you like to take a two-year old home?"  As you can imagine, they promptly lowered their gaze and hurried on. 

i felt bad for all of 30 seconds, but i managed to get over it.  maybe they will think before staring next time.  or maybe i'll learn to control my toddler. 

niether of those sound likely, meh.

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