Monday, September 24, 2012

first date

so i went on my first date

my first MOMS group date

i was pretty excited, it was a zoo trip.  i thought a lot about it before hand.  trying to figure out what i would wear, and what i would bring the boys for lunch.  something casual, but flattering, and something healthy and thoughtful so i looked like a very attentive mom.

you may think i'm joking about this, but i'm not.  i thought a LOT about it.  i ended up going with some running clothes, its the only chance those poor things have of getting used right now.  and i think i just brought a lot of healthy snacks. 

the date was... ok.

maybe my expectations are too high.
i mean, she has got a lot to live up to in the friend department.

she was nice, sweet, my age.  she met her husband in junior high.

and married him at 19.

i have no problem with high school sweet hearts, i think it's cute... but when someone tells you that they met their husband in junior high, and then married them at 19, how do you break the news to them that you met your husband at 20... when he was a bouncer... at a bar you were too young to get into, so you used your cute 'personality' to weasel your way in? 

ummm, yeah, we just met through mutual friends, lets leave it at that.

overall it was nice, and good to have company at the zoo. 

hear's to hoping we have more to talk about on our next date...

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