Monday, August 13, 2012

keeping it real

just to be clear, nothing i say in this post negates what i said in my last post.

that being said....

there are days, sometimes a whole day, sometimes (today) a partial day, when if i hear that sweet little voice one more time, i am going to:

a) scream
b) walk around with my iPod on.... LOUD
c) go insane
d) all of the above

i love him.  i love being a mom.  i love staying home.  but every once in a while, my sweet sweet child.... light of my life... just annoys me. 

starting at about 530 tonight, mason started to bug.  bug BAD.  just for about 2 hours.  in all fairness we both needed to eat.  but i strapped him in the stroller, stuck head phones in, and went for a "run" (meaning i put on running clothes, shoes, put him in a jogging stroller, and listened to music that i used to run to, however at no point were both of those practically new running shoes off the cement at the same time).  sounds like a good plan, until you get into my head and realize that i did it so i could put headphones in to drown out mason's constant talking.  seriously. 

when do they start learning social cues?  at  some point he has to figure out that i don't want to read bert and ernie's dino adventure for the fifth time (NOT exaggerating). 

mom of the year.

just keeping it real.

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