warning: this post has no direction
:: i am watching real housewives of beverly hills right now, and i am continually shocked by the size of their lips. owie.
:: i have 3 classes left in my program... i start one of them tomorrow, 18 weeks, seems so short but soooo long.
:: i offered to sell mason this weekend... i was only half joking.
:: he has grown an attitude within the past week. we are going to have one VERY interesting two year old on our hands.
:: i am job hunting... anyone lookng to hire an over paid admin? i'm your girl
:: even though we got everyone sick the weekend of thanksgiving, i was glad to be there. i missed your faces.
:: i know have FIVE people who read my blog
:: my house is never quiet, unless mason is sleeping.
:: mason rarely sleeps
:: i am beginning to realize what a harry potter nerd i am. i really love that series. i am REALLY sad it is over.
:: kelly and i went to see the newest twilight movie. HYSTERICAL. in case you get pregnant and your amniotic sac is too tough for the instruments to cut through, you will be happy to know a vampire could bite through it
:: seriously. lips. wow.
this makes me think of you
seriously, could he BE any cuter? that face gets me everytime.