Monday, September 26, 2011

love this guy

love me some baby b too

.l.o.v.e. this gummy grin

he usually takes hats off.... totally forgot this one was on

best friends forever.  whether they like it or not.

26.2 divided by 2 minus 6.9 equals....

at the beginning of the summer i talked my sweet friend jill into comng to omaha to take me out for my post baby half marathon....

well, (26.2 / 2) - 6.9 ........

that's what i ran... 6.2 miles.  not the marathon i signed up for (oops), or the half marathon i planned on (double oops), but the 10K.... 6.2 miles

oh well, we'll get 'em next time tiger!

i still had fun with my jilly bean!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


i feel like i am constantly playing catch up...

i love love love reading these healthy momma blogs. these women grow their own food, nurse their children as long as they prefer, bake their own bread, make their own stock, homeschool their children and hand wash their clothes.  they are as earth mother as it gets.... i want to be them.  they probably run more than i do too....

no i am not ready to give up electricity and start washing my lovely shirts over a wash board, but i do yearn to creat this wonder, warm, homey home for mason and matt.  i want the smell of fresh bread, and hot soup.  i want mason to never know what a poptart tastes like, and to crave homemade bran muffins.  i want him to know how delicious farm raised eggs are with their orange nutrient dense yolks, and choose mangos over ice cream.....

i feel like i am failing miserably.

i have to remind my self that these women are not also working outside the home, and that they probably aren't taking classes either, but for some reason it doesn't make me feel better.  i feel like my priorities are off.  but really they aren't.  i know i should be home, i plan on it, i'm just waiting for the right time.  sometimes i am waiting patiently....

today i am not.

Monday, September 19, 2011

lupo photography

so we finally did it.... family/mason pictures.... by a photographer, not just my camera.  :)  most of you know that we chose not to do newborn pictures of mason.  i still have mixed feelings about it, we have TONS of pics from those days, but there is something special that a professional photographer can catch that i just can't. 

so we did it, and boy do i wish we would have done it sooner.  we chose samantha lupo from lupo photography and we could not be happier!  we have only seen one picture so far, and thats enough to make the next week and a half to two weeks draaaaaaaaag!  i cannot wait to see what kind of shots she got!

we met up this morning at 10am, elmwood park by UNO... a perfect day really, nice and cool, good sun, and a pretty happy baby.  he started to turn on us towards the end, but it was hard work being told not to eat those leaves! 

here's a teaser photo... more to come!

thanks so much for such an awesome experience sam!  can't wait for next time!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


today we had mason baptised.  when we were offered the date september 11 to have the baptism done, matt and i initially bristled at the date.  but what a better way to spend such a solemn day than celebrating new life surround by the ones you love. 


mason did amazing during the baptism, a shock to all of us.  he looked like a little china doll in his white outfit.

we had a very special guest, mason's godmomma, jill came from denver!  thanks for coming jill... you can't know how much it means to me that you would be there for mason.  i'm sure i have not done a good enough job telling you how much it means to me that you are his godmother.  i am so blessed to have you as a friend and he is so blessed to have you as an auntie!

see you in two weeks!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

math skills

baby + working full time + grad school - sleep (x's illness) = no blogging + no running

that half marathon on september 25th?

so i have not meant to take a hiatus from blogging, although i suspect the people that actually read this are not at all surprised that i have not been keeping up, procrastination is one of the things i am best at.

i will be back... promise.  i have pictures and stories, but right now, i am at work.  pretty sure even this little note would be frowned upon... *sigh*

catch you on the flip side