Sunday, June 19, 2011


meat head is definitely a word that has been used to describe my matty mouse.  most people dont get to see the soft mushy side of him.  but it is there, oh yes it is there.  matt has become exactly the dad that i knew he would be, and then some.  i love matt for many reasons.  in february i began to love him even more because he turned out to be such a great daddy.

it helps that he is hot too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

16 and pregnant

i am watching 16 and pregnant, and when (yet another) train wreck girl gets handed her baby on mtv, all i can think of i how much your life changes in that one second.  everything.changes.

i remember talkng with stephanie about having a baby (ironically before i was pregnant) and being scared because i knew that it would change every relationship i have.  and boy has it.  having mason has created a completely different dynamic to everything.  befor ehe was here i was scared of that change.  i was scared of how it would feel...

it has not been a bad thing though.  it HAS been different but not bad.  i thik that is in large part because of the people in my relationships.  i could not ask for a better husband, better family, or better friends. 


Friday, June 10, 2011


we made the jump to solid foods.  i wish there was some ridiculously messy photos to look at, but once again, still no camera.  at this point it is due to sheer laziness, i haven't even tried to look for it. 

back to the cereal.... well little m-dawgs appetite has been growing and growing and growing.... and it has been a little difficult for me to keep up.... so, we decided it was time for a little solid food.  apparently mason was READY.  he has taken down bowl after bowl with very little trouble.  he made some funny faces at first, but once he accepted the texture it was game on.

mission this weekend:  look at mowers, buy sheets, cuddle mason, and try out the crib.  EEK.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

16 weeks

this video was taken today, 16 weeks old... tons of fun and pure love.

he played a lot today.  hard work.  you can see at the end of the video he lays his head down and drops his arms to take a rest.  he is so cute i just want to bite his face.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

i am not pregnant

apparently i need to preface this picture with that statement.  first of all, i am not the person who would announce a pregnancy on facebook via a photo of my womb.... those who experienced me revealing my first pregnancy know this.

no, this photo (however still one of my uterus) is simply a sentimental mushball, looking back at where she was a year ago.  terrified.  and completely unaware of how much she would change.

sappiness done.  here comes regular katie.  :)

house update:  the sellers have officially angered us.  not sure whether this deal is going to go through or not.  we think that they are being difficult, which really doesn't seem wise in this market.  so matt and i are discussing....

baby mason update:  we are thinking of taking himout of his daycare and finding a new situation... not sure what that situation is yet, but it's a thought right now.

my newest fixation:  i have thought about writing a book about breastfeeding.  the farther i get into this experience, the more i realize how much people lie to you about it!  it is great, and a decision that i am still very happy i made, but it is TOUGH.  and someone needs to just say it.  i think i may be that person.

those are my it's time for bed, zoo day tomorrow!  :)